6 digit 7 Segment display - TPIC6B595 schematic component?

Some updates:

I have my TPIC6B595 registers wired up to some small 7 segment displays. I have tested them with a sketch that I downloaded from Nick Gammon's site Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Using a 74HC595 output shift register as a port-expander and all of the segments light up, so I know everything is wired up correctly and working. Hard to see, but I have a capacitor across the + and - for a decoupling capacitor. I also just used 1 resistor per display, since I didn't have 42 resistors for each led segment, so it does dim as more segments light up.

Now, my question. Are there some code samples/examples on how to display numbers onto my 6 digit display? Previously when I was using the Embedded Lab SPI 7-seg display http://embedded-lab.com/blog/?p=6862 the code was very simple. Like:

#include <LedControl.h> //  need the library
LedControl lc=LedControl(4,3,5,1); // lc is our object Pin 4, 3, 5  and 1 display

clockminute = minute();
clockhour = hour();

Where I used lc.setDigit to send the display what number I wanted for my hour, minute, second.

Is there a similar Library for using 595 shift registers? Also, should I be using SPI.h or ShiftOut() to update my display? (I've started reading a bit about each)