serial interfacing

Hello all,
this seems very simple but being new to arduino and programming in general it is giving me a hard time. I have 3 sensors connected to analog inputs, with the arduino serial monitor i can only view one reading at a time. my question is this; is there a third party program that will take 3 inputs from the serial output of arduino and display them all on screen simultaniously?

with the arduino serial monitor i can only view one reading at a time

You've only got one A/D converter, so it sort of makes sense that you can view one result, but I don't see why you can't print all three results.
Post your code.

void setup() {

void loop(){
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
Serial.println(analogRead(0));//print bottom sensor value
delay(1000);//wait one second
Serial.println(analogRead(1));//print middle sensor value
delay(1000);//wait one second
Serial.println(analogRead(2));//print top sensor value
delay(1000);//wait one second

i see three values on the serial monitor, problem is i cant associate which value is which sensor

problem is i cant associate which value is which sensor

Perhaps you should add a simple extra print to identify which is which.

Serial.print("Sensor 1:");

If you want the three numbers to appear on one line, do println for the last number. That println prints info and switches to a new line.

Or, even simpler, just print the three results on a new line.