Decoding RF signal from Ambient Weather Thermo-Hygrometer

What a great project!

I am really interested because I have built a multi zone heating controller using a Raspberry Pi, but now it needs some wireless thermostats, well, thermometers. I considered porting this code to run on a PIC which would be connected to the Pi using I2C but then I thought that it would be quicker to use an Arduino, but I know NOTHING about them.

Could someone give me some Arduino hints, please.

EG Would a 'Arduino Nano v3.0 – Compatible Board CH340G 5V 16MHz atmega328 Tested' be compatible?
Could I connect it to a PC using USB and no fancy hardware programmer, and then modify the code to send the data to the Pi over I2C or bit-bang it out - using a free development environment?

This is a non-commercial hack so as cheap as possible, please.
I have a homebrew PIC programmer and free C development environment so it would only cost 2.40GBP/3.20USD for a PIC12F1822 if I went that route. (I also have vero board etc lying around)
But I'm sure you want to persuade me to go Arduino, don't you? (where's the smiley face button?)
Sorry to those that get offended at the mention of such 'other' devices!