ATMega 1284 & Optiboot (Board Programmer)

Yeah, I did the same thing. Got 1284s. I used ArduinoISP running from a -UNO to burn my
bootloaders, but I imagine the following change will work for a regular programmer:

Just find the avrdude.conf file, and change the sig to 0x05 in the file, and the bootloader
should burn ok.

If you're using the Arduino IDE on WinXXX, avrdude.conf should be in your IDE directory in
subdirectory ..\hardware\tools\avr\etc.

However, after burning the bootloader, then change the sig BACK to 0x06 and leave it there
"forever", when you want to upload sketches to the chip. At least this is what I found to do
via T&E for the Arduino IDE.

BTW, which specific bootloader file are you burning? Maniacbug, avr developers, Bobuino, etc?