Shoot, I just bought a Mega 2560 R3 board, and I couldn't even get the board to install.
It doesn't actually tell you how on the main Arduino page. I had to search all over heck to
find the solution, and finally found it in a forum thread.

Don't feel bad, I just bought a Leonardo today, after installing the innumerable drivers, tried to upload "Blink", but it failed at the last stage saying couldn't find the serial port. All those drivers wasted. I have got it sorted yet, because it arrived the same day as my new AVR Dragon. No chance with that sort of competition for my attention! :slight_smile:

Maybe Team Arduino should just release better designed and tested hardware and software products in the first place. Now there's a radical thought.

Someone once asked me what I thought of Arduino quality control. I said it would be a very good idea...

By the way, anyone know how to upload "Blink" to a Leonardo?