Be able to set a region in a defined piece of code


so users that cant be expected to handle a + box next to their code is now a keyboard shortcut expert, its broken behaviour with what anyone expects out of text entry

when I exit, it asks if I want to save, maybe I don't know what you mean by "exit"

my bad they fixed that in 18, it did nothing for the longest time

I've never had problems with that

I cant make it repeat reliably, but if you save a sketch outside of the default location it will pop up quite quickly

Again, never been an issue for me

try putting a lib in your sketchbook folder

uhh, it's a bit more than just a text editor, you have a whole programming language included

that's kind of the problem, the linux download is 7mb! yes you have to add dependencies like java and avrgcc, but

A) who doesnt have java already
B) the entire package of avrgcc is like 30mb

yes you can, look in the preference file

and again a simple minded user's head would explode if extra options were added, but if they really need to, they can hunt down and edit preferences.txt

whatever, I don't want to argue about it till the end of time