ST7920 Interface Question

Hi all, have just done a bit of testing on my library, anybody else having some problems with the display being to slow?

I'm controlling the display via shift registers and animation is too fast for the screen to fully illuminate its pixels. In fact without a delay the pixels barley change colour.

Has anybody suffered this same fate ( need faster screen, to keep up with arduino ) or is it due to contrast. I have a POT connected to 5v and GND with the wiper going to backlight anode. What is the proper way to do contrast on these displays as this just dims the backlight. Pixels to backlight contrast is still equal.

The only Identifiying marks my screen has is 'HJ12864ZW' and the datasheet is entirely in chinese, So I have had to use the generic ST7920 datasheet.

BTW: my screen is a blue screen with white pixels. Anyone with pictures of the ST7920 rendering an animated sprite?

And also, is the power supply speed ( arduino 5v ) a possible culprit ( not enough juice to quickly illuminate pixels ). would a bypass capacitor help accross the Vdd - Vss kind of like IC decoupling?