Reading from SD card stops


I've written a small program that reads binary files from SD card module and shifts out
bits to shiftOut registers.
There is another implementation of this program, which reads data from usb (PC) and does the same,
so the shiftOut implementation is tested and working solid. However there is a problem with SD module.
I'm not sure where, because I've just recently started sistematically testing all scenarios, but as far as
I got - it has to do something with reading from SD card.

Code sample follows (without shiftOutFast):

// #include "shiftout.h"

const int DEBUG_LEVEL = 0;
const int DEBUG_SLOMO_OUT = 0;
const int DEBUG_SLOMO_DELAY = 100;
const int SD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 512;
const int CHIP_SELECT = 10; // change this to 53 on a mega - 10 default

// nr of outputs, divisible by 8 (for serialEvent)
int nrOfOuts = 64;
unsigned char c = 0;
// currently read chars, and processed outputs (for serialEvent)
int outputs_i8 = 0;

#include <SD.h>

// TIME probe measure
// unsigned long time;
// time = micros();
File root;
File entry;
bool SD_inited = false;
int bytes_read = 0;
int i = 0;

* initCard
bool initCard() {
	if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1)
		Serial.print("\n[initCard]: SD init");
	if ( !SD.begin(CHIP_SELECT) ) {
		if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1)
			Serial.print("\n[initCard]: SD init failed");
		return false;
	} else {
		if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1)
			Serial.print("\n[initCard]: SD init ok");

	return true;

void readData() {
	if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2)
		Serial.print("\n[readData]: read data");
	// open root and list it
	root ="/", O_READ);
	// list until end
	while (true) {
		// open - 90us
		entry =  root.openNextFile(O_READ);
		// if end reached
		if (! entry) {
		// if it is a file
		if (! entry.isDirectory()) {
			if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) {
				Serial.print("\n[readData]: SD file found: ");
			// read until EOF
			while (entry.available()) {
				bytes_read =*)buff, SD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE);
				i = 0;
				for (i; i < bytes_read; i++) {
					// copy from buffer
					c = buff[i];
					if (outputs_i8 == 0) {
// 						latchOff();
						if (DEBUG_SLOMO_OUT > 0)
						if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3)
							Serial.print("\n[readData]: latchOff");
// 					not relevant here
// 					shiftOutFast(dataPin, clockPin, c);
					if (outputs_i8 >= (nrOfOuts)) {
// 						latchOn();
						if (DEBUG_SLOMO_OUT > 0)
						outputs_i8 = 0;
						if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3)
							Serial.print("\n[readData]: latchOn");
			// EOF, close file
			if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) 
				Serial.print("\n[readData]: File close");
			outputs_i8 = 0;
			if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3)
		} else {
			// if it is not file, close file
			if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) {
				Serial.print("\n[readData]: Not a file: ");
				Serial.print(", closing");
	// EOD
	if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) 
		Serial.print("\n[readData]: Root close");

// arduino setup
void setup() {
// 	Serial.begin(9600);
	SD_inited = initCard();
	nrOfOuts /= 8;
	pinMode(CHIP_SELECT, OUTPUT);     // change this to 53 on a mega - 10 default
	//set pins to output
// 	pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
// 	pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
// 	pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
// 	digitalWrite(latchPin,LOW);
// 	digitalWrite(dataPin,LOW);
// 	digitalWrite(clockPin,LOW);

void loop(void) {
	if (SD_inited) {
	} else {
		if (DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1) 
		Serial.print("\n[readData]: SD not inited, reinit");
		SD_inited = initCard();

Now with turned on debugging I was able to pull this log:

// OK
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: IMAGES, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SOUNDS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: OTHERS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: VIDEOS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SYSTEM, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: PB, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: LIFEBLOG, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: PRIVATE, closing
[readData]: SD file found: 21646~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: SD file found: 384C4~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: SD file found: 13D8F~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
// OK
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: IMAGES, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SOUNDS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: OTHERS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: VIDEOS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SYSTEM, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: PB, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: LIFEBLOG, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: PRIVATE, closing
[readData]: SD file found: 21646~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: SD file found: 384C4~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: SD file found: 13D8F~1.BWP
[readData]: File close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
// Here it starts missing out
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: IMAGES, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SOUNDS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: OTHERS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: VIDEOS, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Not a file: SYSTEM, closing
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close
[readData]: [readData]: Root close

As you can see, suddenly it stops listing files and the cause of multiple "Root close" messages is
due to entry being false.
Sometimes this occurs after minutes, sometimes hours - very random. Also if I press reset button on
Arduino in such situation, it will report SD init failed - I have to unplug it from USB port or power supply
to completely remedy the situation.

For now I've documented such freeze both on USB and external 12V alimentation. I'll continue testing
on Ericsson USB adapter, since I don't have my PC on all the time.

Is this maybe due to bad SD module, card...(card should be ok, it was used in phone before)?
SD module it's generic with only 5V supply (no 3.3v) lying on a protoboard (shortest cables as possible).
I've tested this with MEGA 2560 and UNO SMD - same freeze.

SD module it's generic with only 5V supply (no 3.3v) lying on a protoboard (shortest cables as possible).

I think SD cards use 3.3v. If you are powering it with 5v, that could be part of the problem.

The pin is marked as 5V, though yes - sd cards are 3.3v. I've ordered a new module which states in specifications that uses 3.3V for alimentation, will try that.

Thank you!

If there is no voltage regulator on the old SD card module, then I would try 3.3v power with it.

edit: Most SD modules use a voltage level converter on the input pins for 5v processors. Otherwise, you are overdriving the SD inputs.