Reading an email.

Here is the string equivalent just as a demonstration of how easy it actually is and less prone to errors down the road (I avoided fixing the piss-poor indenting as part of the demonstration):

char StringIn[80];
index i=0;

void loop() {
   charData =; //Hi, my name is Andrew

if(charData == ' ' || charData == '\n') // if a space " " is found or a new line is made
    char *tagged = strstr(StringIn, "Andrew"); //scan string for "Andrew", true if found
     tagged!=0 ? Serial.println("Andrew was found!"): Serial.println("Andrew was NOT found!"); //string does it match, or NOT
     StringIn[0] = '\0'; //clear string for new data
 else StringIn[i++] = charData; //if string does not equal " ", then store data into string