Sending INT values from Arduino 1 to Arduino 2 using serial communication

I am trying to send my IMU roll values (positive & negative int values) from my arduino to another arduino, but I am not sure how it can be sent.

I tried to convert to high & low order byte, but I am not able to get it working. :disappointed_relieved: My Coding for both Sender & Receiver Sides are given below:


#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>

//I2C addressses for IMU
#define GYR_ADDRESS (0xD2 >> 1)
#define MAG_ADDRESS (0x3C >> 1)
#define ACC_ADDRESS (0x30 >> 1)

//Gyro, ACC, Mag enable registers
#define L3G4200D_CTRL_REG1 0x20
#define LSM303_CTRL_REG1_A 0x20
#define LSM303_MR_REG_M 0x02

//acc settings
#define CTRL_REG4_A 0x23

//gyrto settings
#define CTRL_REG4 0x23

//Gyro, Acc, Mag output registers
#define L3G4200D_OUT_X_L 0x28
#define LSM303_OUT_X_L_A 0x28
#define LSM303_OUT_X_H_M 0x03

//ACC Reg data
int ACCx;
int ACCy;
int ACCz;
int bACCx;
int bACCy;
int bACCz;

//Gyro Reg data
int GYROx;
int GYROy;
int GYROz;
int bGYROx;
int bGYROy;
int bGYROz;

//MAG REG data
int MAGx;
int MAGy;
int MAGz;

//YAW calc
int xMAGMax;
int yMAGMax;
int zMAGMax;
int xMAGMin;
int yMAGMin;
int zMAGMin;
float xMAGMap;
float yMAGMap;
float zMAGMap;

int pitchAccel;
int pitchGyro;
int rollAccel;
int rollGyro;
//float YawU;

//gyro/acc gain-converts raw values, gyro deg/s, acc to Gs
#define AccGain 3.9      //8g
#define GyroGain 70     //2000dps

float giroVar = 0.1;
float deltaGiroVar = 0.1;
float accelVar = 5;
float Pxx = 0.1; // angle variance
float Pvv = 0.1; // angle change rate variance
float Pxv = 0.1; // angle and angle change rate covariance
float kx, kv;

//final values
float pitchPrediction = 0; //Output of Kalman filter, final pitch value
float rollPrediction = 0;  //Output of Kalman filter, final roll value
float yawRaw=0; //final yaw value. yaw doesnt go through kalman! has its own calc.

//time, used in kalman filtering to keep a constant loop time
unsigned long timer = 0;
unsigned long timer1 = 0;
float timeStep = 0.02;          //20ms. Need a time step value for integration of gyro angle from angle/sec

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); //begin serial comm.

  Wire.begin(); //start Wire for IMU

  writeGyroReg(L3G4200D_CTRL_REG1, 0b10101111); //enable gyro, 0b10101111, 1010- 400hz ODR/50hz cutoff, 1111- default(enable all axis/normal mode)
  writeAccReg(LSM303_CTRL_REG1_A, 0b00110111); //enable acc, 0b00110111, 001- normal mode, 10- 400hz ODR, 111- default(enable all axis)
  writeMagReg(LSM303_MR_REG_M, 0x00); //enable mag

  //gyro settings
  writeGyroReg(CTRL_REG4, 0b00110001); //0-continous update, 0- little endian, 11 2000dps, 0- blank,  00- self test disabled, 0 spi 4 wire(if used)

  //acc settings
  writeAccReg(CTRL_REG4_A, 0b00110000); //0- continuous update, 0- little endian, 11- 8g scale, 00 default, 0- blank, 0- self test disabled

  CalibrateIMU(); //calibrate the IMU for level starting pos.

void loop() {
  timer = millis(); //loop begin time

  //read sensors

  //calcualte pitch, roll, yaw, kalman etc

  Serial.write(rollAccel / 256);
  Serial.write(rollAccel & 256);

  timer1 = millis(); //loop end time
  delay(((timeStep * 1000)-(timer1-timer))); //delay so loop lasts 20msec, (timestep(.02) * 1000 = msec) - how long loop took


void readGyro() // get x, y, z values from gyro
  Wire.write(L3G4200D_OUT_X_L | (1 << 7));
  Wire.requestFrom(GYR_ADDRESS, 6);

  while (Wire.available() < 6);

  uint8_t xla =;
  uint8_t xha =;
  uint8_t yla =;
  uint8_t yha =;
  uint8_t zla =;
  uint8_t zha =;

  GYROy = xha << 8 | xla;
  GYROx = yha << 8 | yla;
  GYROz = zha << 8 | zla;

void readAcc() // get x, y, z values from accelerometer
  Wire.write(LSM303_OUT_X_L_A | (1 << 7));
  Wire.requestFrom(ACC_ADDRESS, 6);

  while (Wire.available() < 6);

  byte xla =;
  byte xha =;
  byte yla =;
  byte yha =;
  byte zla =;
  byte zha =;

  ACCy = -((xha << 8 | xla) >> 4); //reversed y axis
  ACCx = -((yha << 8 | yla) >> 4); //reversed x
  ACCz = (zha << 8 | zla) >> 4;

void readMag() //get mag x, y, z values
  Wire.requestFrom(MAG_ADDRESS, 6);

  while (Wire.available() < 6);

  byte xhm =;
  byte xlm =;

  byte yhm, ylm, zhm, zlm;

  zhm =;
  zlm =;
  yhm =;
  ylm =;

  MAGx = (xhm << 8 | xlm);
  MAGy = (yhm << 8 | ylm);
  MAGz = (zhm << 8 | zlm);

void CalibrateIMU() //get level value bias of IMU sensors
  //temporary total holders
  int tGYROx;
  int tGYROy;
  int tGYROz;

  int tACCx;
  int tACCy;
  int tACCz;

  delay(100); //wait for stable values
  for(int i = 0; i<50; i++) //get values fifty times for acc + gyro

    tGYROx += GYROx; //total gyrox value += current reading
    tGYROy += GYROy;
    tGYROz += GYROz;

    tACCx += ACCx;
    tACCy += ACCy;
    tACCz += ACCz;

  bGYROx = tGYROx / 50; //bias in gyro x = total gyro x/50
  bGYROy = tGYROy / 50;
  bGYROz = tGYROz / 50;

  bACCx = tACCx / 50;
  bACCy = tACCy / 50;
  bACCz = (tACCz / 50) - 256; //Don't compensate gravity away! We would all (float)!

void Calculations() //calculate roll/pitch for acc/gyro, remove level bias. kalman filtering for pitch/roll, calc yaw
  Gyro in deg/s
   pitchGyro = (GYROx - bGYROx) / GyroGain;
   rollGyro = (GYROy - bGYROy) / GyroGain;

  pitchGyro = (pitchGyro + ((GYROx - bGYROx) / GyroGain)) * timeStep; //gyro pitch in deg
  pitchAccel = (atan2((ACCy - bACCy) / AccGain, (ACCz - bACCz) / AccGain) * 180.0) / PI;
  pitchPrediction = pitchPrediction + ((GYROx - bGYROx) / GyroGain) * timeStep;

  rollGyro = (rollGyro + ((GYROy - bGYROy) / GyroGain)) * timeStep; //gyro roll in deg
  rollAccel = (atan2((ACCx - bACCx) / AccGain, (ACCz - bACCz) / AccGain) * 180.0) / PI;
  rollPrediction = rollPrediction - ((GYROy - bGYROy) / GyroGain) * timeStep;

  YawCalc();  //calc yaw with mag!

  Kalman(); //predict pitch, roll

void YawCalc() // calculate yaw from mag
  //this part is required to normalize the magnetic vector
  //get Min and Max Reading for MAGic Axis
  if (MAGx>xMAGMax) {
    xMAGMax = MAGx;
  if (MAGy>yMAGMax) {
    yMAGMax = MAGy;
  if (MAGz>zMAGMax) {
    zMAGMax = MAGz;

  if (MAGx<xMAGMin) {
    xMAGMin = MAGx;
  if (MAGy<yMAGMin) {
    yMAGMin = MAGy;
  if (MAGz<zMAGMin) {
    zMAGMin = MAGz;

  //Map the incoming Data from -1 to 1
  xMAGMap = float(map(MAGx, xMAGMin, xMAGMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;
  yMAGMap = float(map(MAGy, yMAGMin, yMAGMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;
  zMAGMap = float(map(MAGz, zMAGMin, zMAGMax, -30000, 30000))/30000.0;

  //normalize the magnetic vector
  float norm = sqrt( sq(xMAGMap) + sq(yMAGMap) + sq(zMAGMap));
  xMAGMap /=norm;
  yMAGMap /=norm;
  zMAGMap /=norm;

  //new calcs:
  float xh = xMAGMap * cos(pitchPrediction) + zMAGMap * sin(pitchPrediction);
  float yh = xMAGMap * sin(rollPrediction) * sin(pitchPrediction) + yMAGMap * cos(rollPrediction) - zMAGMap * sin(rollPrediction) * cos(pitchPrediction);
  float zh = -xMAGMap * cos(rollPrediction) * sin(pitchPrediction) + yMAGMap * sin(rollPrediction) + zMAGMap * cos(rollPrediction) * cos(pitchPrediction);

  yawRaw = 180 * atan2(yh, xh)/PI;
  if (yh >= 0)
    //do nothing, yaw value is ok
    yawRaw += 360;

void Kalman() //kalman filter for pitch / roll
  Pxx += timeStep * (2 * Pxv + timeStep * Pvv);
  Pxv += timeStep * Pvv;
  Pxx += timeStep * giroVar;
  Pvv += timeStep * deltaGiroVar;
  kx = Pxx * (1 / (Pxx + accelVar));
  kv = Pxv * (1 / (Pxx + accelVar));

  pitchPrediction += (pitchAccel - pitchPrediction) * kx;
  rollPrediction += (rollAccel - rollPrediction) * kx;

  Pxx *= (1 - kx);
  Pxv *= (1 - kx);
  Pvv -= kv * Pxv;

//write stuff to the snsor registers
void writeGyroReg(byte reg, byte value)

void writeAccReg(byte reg, byte value)

void writeMagReg(byte reg, byte value)


void setup()

void loop()
  byte b1 =;
  byte b2 =;
  int val = b1 * 256 + b2;

Appreciate your help!!! XD

Appreciate your help!

Not until you post ALL of your code, not just what you think is relevant.

There are highByte() and lowByte() functions.

Reading data when you don't know that there is anything to read is not a good idea. Calling Serial.flush() is usually stupid, too.


Appreciate your help!

Not until you post ALL of your code, not just what you think is relevant.

There are highByte() and lowByte() functions.

Reading data when you don't know that there is anything to read is not a good idea. Calling Serial.flush() is usually stupid, too.

Sorry, just updated to full code.

Reading data when you don't know that there is anything to read is not a good idea.

Still a problem. Probably your biggest problem.

Aside from the fact that you have no way of knowing which bytes sent go together. What happens if a byte gets lost?

You'd be pairing a LSB from one value with the MSB from the next value to create an int, and that certainly would not equal the value sent.

Did you remember to connect the grounds of the two boards ?

Did you remember to connect the grounds of the two boards ?

Yes, I did. Arduino 1 GND to Arduino 2 GND. I can only receive lots of "-1" of my IMU values....

Yes, I did. Arduino 1 GND to Arduino 2 GND.

Man, this is like pulling teeth. What else did you connect between the two Arduinos?

Calling without having called Serial.available() to see if there is data to read is still a bad idea. That's where all the -1s are coming from.