State Space FeedBack Controller

Hi i would like some help for writing a code in the implementation of a State Space FeedBack Controller, i already implement a PID with the library i found in the playground. But now im having some troubles with this other controller, i've been looking in the internet and books without result. I just found the theory and i already have my theoric controller with K matrix gains.
Is just for the position control of a servomotor, i know that theres already a servomotor library, but i was required to implement the state space for the control.

Hope you can help me

Hope you can help me

Help you? I can't even understand you.

What is a State Space FeedBack Controller?

i already have my theoric controller with K matrix gains.

I'm assuming that this is a good thing.

but i was required to implement the state space for the control.

Required by whom?