Leonardo with 128x64 LCD

The glcd library does not use any of the Arduino core routines to control the pins
because the Arduino supplied core routines like digitalWrite() are just WAY too slow in my opinion.

What is missing in the glcd library is a couple of pin mapping macros and a config file
for the Leonardo. While it's not too difficult, I haven't gotten around to it.
I could toss in the code for it but I can' test it because I
don't have a board to test it on as my preferred 32U4 product is Teensy.

I've also considered adding a generic i/o mode that uses the Arduino core code routines when
direct i/o support is not available. While much slower than direct i/o it would allow the glcd code
to immediately run on more platforms including Maple, ChipKit, and the new ARM based Teensy.

PM me if you are interested in helping testing out Leonardo direct i/osupport for the glcd library.

--- bill