Arduino Due and Atmel Studio 6 Tutorial ?

Is there a tutorial for the integration of the arduino due in Atmel Studio 6 ?
Or could someone explain me how to do ?

Many thanks

As I understand it, Atmel Studio 6 is capable of creating software for ARM processors in addition the the AVR, so in theory it should work if someone would come up with the proper header file(s) for the Due. I'd like to see a tutorial as well - I have some application ideas that I knew the Uno and Mega were just not going to have the speed to do, but the Due looks like it would handle it easily.

Is there a tutorial for the integration of the arduino due in Atmel Studio 6 ?
Or could someone explain me how to do ?

Many thanks

Hi the lastest Framework from Atmel 3.4.1 or so has an integration for the Due many examples are on the ASF

Markus is right. The Atmel Studio 6 with latest Atmel Software Framework (ASF) has the project template for the Arduino Due board. Its about to add the required services/drivers/components for your application. For ease, you can use the ASF wizard. I will be discussing a bit more about this particular matter in my post,131096.0.html

Just keep an eye on it.

I'm curious, how could I use the LiquidCrystal Library on the Due in Atmel studio 6 though?

I haven't tried a lcd on my Due yet, but I read somewhere all the basic libraries have been ported to the Due in the Arduino IDE 1.5.2 and there is an add-in called Visual Micro that configures Atmel Studio 6.1 to program all the Arduino boards including the Due. It works great and it is free. I use it all the time now.

There is a tutorial for integrating AVR MCUs into Atmel Studio. Anyone knows if the steps outlined in that tutorial is applicable for Arduino Due?,123267.0.html

Thank you.