Gobetwino command structure

I am confused by the structure of Gobetwino commands. I am using the RFLIN command to retrieve a wav file line by line.

The Gobetwino manual gives the command in an Arduino sketch as Serial.println ("#S|NAME|[LINENR]#");

If I want the command to move down the lines in sequence it seems to me that I would create an int variable (say "a") and increment that as the LINENR. However, if I make the command

Serial.println ("#S|NAME|[a]#");

Arduino sends exactly that with "a" where I want the line number to be.

I suspect that this is because everything in the command () is enclosed in "" and therefore is sent exactly that way.

Do I have to break the print lines into literals between "" and the sequencing variable outside of them? Something like this:

Serial.print ("#S|NAME|[");
Serial.print (a);
Serial.println ("]#");

That seems pretty cumbersome to me but what do I know? Is that it?

Do I have to break the print lines into literals between "" and the sequencing variable outside of them? Something like this:

Yes, you do.

That seems pretty cumbersome to me but what do I know?

You could use sprintf() to create a string, and send that string in one call.

A wav file is a binary file, it has no "lines" so it will not work.

What are you trying to achieve ?