Arduino Due & The Wire Library

@ pert

This is just to satisfy my queries:

I have found two Wire.h files in the following paths in my one PC (rarely used when my primary PC is down). The contents of the files look identical. I have also included the .cpp files.

This PC > Documents > WPA Files > Arduino15 > packages > arduino > hardware > sam > 1.6.2 > libraries > Wire

This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files(x86) > Arduino > hardware > arduino > avr > libraries > Wire > src

In my other two PCs, the Top path (.....sam > ) does not exist.

In all these 3 computers, TWI Bus DUE and UNO programs run well.

Wire.h (2.98 KB)

Wire.h (2.62 KB)

Wire.cpp (8.24 KB)

Wire.cpp (10.5 KB)