Help me free the fireflies, please.

I trying to build this project( ). Instead of using the surface mount components I've decide to go with through hole. This meant building a new PCB.

At any rate on this particular instructables they don't provide any code that I could see. I did happen to find code that ran the same kind of thing on the Uno. So I took that and tried to adapt it to the ATtiny.

I flashed the ATtiny with my Uno. Following the instructions here ( ) I built the circuit on my solder-less breadboard and it isn't working at all. This is the first time I've done this and I don't know if some of my code isn't compatible with in the ATtiny or if the circuit design is faulty.

Here's my code:

int PWMP3 = 3; 
int PWMP6 = 6; 
int led2 = 2; 
int led7 = 7; 
int led5 = 5;

void song1() {
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 125);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 125);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);

void song2() {
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 245);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);

void song3() {
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 170);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 150);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 150);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 165);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 165);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 145);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 145);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 160);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 160);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 140);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 140);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 155);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 155);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 135);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 135);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 150);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 150);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 130);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 130);
  analogWrite(PWMP3, 0);
  analogWrite(PWMP6, 0);

void setup() { 
  /* Philip Millies Fading Fireflies / 2 pin PWM control. */
  pinMode(PWMP3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PWMP6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(led7, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(led2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led5, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led7, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led5, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led7, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led5, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(led7, LOW);

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You are using the physical pin numbers as far as I can see.

See this cheet sheet for the right numbers to use in your sketch:

PWM pins are 0,1 and 4, atleast if you use this core:

Thank you very much for your quick reply. I will make the changes to my code and see if that helps.

How are the core on google code different from the one I downloaded via the MIT tutorial?

How are the core on google code different from the one I downloaded via the MIT tutorial?

I don't know the core from MIT, there might be difference in pin numbers and number of pwm pins.

Anyway, you will propably need this too:

It fixes a bug for sketches > 4 kb

Ok, I have installed the core that you linked me to. I don't think I can use the other one cause one pwm pin is in the wrong place for my pcb to work correctly. Now I just need to flash it again.

My sketch is only 1.7 kbytes, so it should be ok.

UPDATE: It works! Thankyou very much for you help. Now I just need to flash 39 more tinys.

Glad you had it working, I can see you have some work ahead of you with 39 Tiny's