Arduino Uno Training in Bangalore

I am from Bangalore, India.
I am Electronics Engineering student, where Can I get trained in Arduino Uno?

You can learn Arduino buy your own. It is very simple and you can attempt self teaching. All you need to do buy one Arduino Uno and download the software and make fun. If you want to get trained by experts you can get trained in Tenet Technetronics, Bangalore. To purchase Aruduino Uno contact Tenet Technetronics Office. You can also make a call, walk in and take away Arduino Uno at
Tenet Technetronics,
No 8/14, Third Floor, MN Chambers,
Opp to Pai Vista Convention Hall,
Bangalore -560004, India
Ph: 080-42103124
Email :


Thanks for the fast reply. I am going to buy Arduino Uno from Tenet Technetronics, India

You are Welcome.

This is short notice but I only just found out myself...

This is tomorrow at Jaaga

Sat, February 19, 9am – 5pm
Monthly meetup of members of Computer Club of India -
We gather to share their learnings and work on hacking up cool hardware/ software projects together. Vinay wi'll be doing the Atmel circuit workshop he did last time. He is also looking at working on some basic soldering.
Sudar Muthu - will take responsibility of the Arduino track showing some small experiments about using Arduino and some of his projects as well.

Jaaga is in Bangalore city, near the Hockey Stadium.