Attiny 85 RF

Well I tried this manchested library, but I always get this error when I try to upload the code in attiny85 :

#include "MANCHESTER.h"

#define TxPin 1  //the digital pin to use to transmit data

unsigned int Tdata = 32;  //the 16 bits to send

void setup() 
MANCHESTER.SetTxPin(TxPin);      // sets the digital pin as output default 4
}//end of setup

void loop() 
 //Tdata +=1;
}//end of loop
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp: In constructor 'MANCHESTERClass::MANCHESTERClass()':
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp:42: error: 'TCCR2A' was not declared in this scope
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp:43: error: 'TCCR2B' was not declared in this scope
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp:44: error: 'TIMSK2' was not declared in this scope
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp: In member function 'unsigned int MANCHESTERClass::Receive()':
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp:85: error: 'TCNT2' was not declared in this scope
D:\arduino-0022\libraries\MANCHESTER\MANCHESTER.cpp:126: error: 'TCNT2' was not declared in this scope