Arduino Uno - which pin can control servos?


I've seeon other examples that seem to suggest that any output pin (PWM or not) can be used to control a servo

Any pin can be used to command a servo.

Can analog pins be used for servos?

Also, the SainSmart Sensor Shield v4 says it has 13 ports that can be used, but the digital ports are numbered from 0 to 13, for a total of 14. Is pin 0 an input-only port?

At the risk of taking over this thread, I have three more questions:

  1. Do digital servos need to be handled differently than analog servos?
  2. Does an electronic speed controller need to be handled differently than servos?
  3. And lastly, is there better documentation somewhere that I can reference so that I don't need to bother you fine people?