Can someone combine multiple eeprom chips together as one?

Hello i know this is a far fetch question but is there away to combine 2 or more eeprom chips as a single chip? Just wondering some thoughts in my mind.

you could make an abstract library or a wrapper that hides the individual addressing

a bit like this

void eepromWrite(uint32_t memAddress, uint8_t data)
  uint8_t table[] = { 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83 }; // example I2C addresses

  uint8_t I2Caddress = table[ memAddress / EEPROMSIZE] ; // e.g. 32768;

  uint16_t_addr = memAddress % EEPROMSIZE; // address within chip

  I2CEEPROM.write(I2Caddress, addr, data):

uint8_t eepromRead(uint32_t memAddress)
  uint8_t table[] = { 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83 }; // example I2C addresses

  uint8_t I2Caddress = table[ memAddress / EEPROMSIZE] ; // e.g. 32768;

  uint16_t_addr = memAddress % EEPROMSIZE; // address within chip

  return, addr):

my eeprom lib might be a base to extend

Thank you this is just a future project not sure of it but thank you for comfirmig with me something can be done.
I'll post a update in the near future if i decide to make this project.

Hello robtillaart i have one question is there a wau to only write to a external eeprom chip once and never right to it again?
But keep it as many reads as it can do?

Many (most? all?) serial interface I2C and SPI EEPROMs have a write protect pin, you can tie that high or low (read the datasheet) to prevent writes after the initial loading.

Read the datasheet for the parts you are using to see if there are software means to prevent writing also.

Hello crossroads thank you. My problem is I build this board in a enclosure box sealed so can't be reopen. That is my problem I have a visual Basic application that I can write to the eeprom chip and it's displays on lcd what is saved. But I would like to somehow block it from writing again in software from the arduino ide.

i think i might have to brake open the project and wire up that pin. so if i write to the eeprom chip and send it i guess it can make the pin go high/low to disable the write so it can be only written to it once that might be okay.