Has the I2C EEPROM bank project continued development, and moved?


I was interested in this work Arduino Playground - I2CEEPROMBANK which seems perfect for a task I'm about to start that will use 3x AT24C512B EEPROMs. Unfortunately the v1.2 of this library linked to by that page isn't yet updated to IDE 1.0, nor does it appear to address that particular EEPROM size.

I noticed also the project page doesn't have any content in the knowledgebase and appears unchanged since 2010.

Can anyone point me to a newer version as my google-fu has failed me.


Version 1.0 has introduced some breaking changes.

You can fix this yourself, the release notes will give you most clues - http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ReleaseNotes -

Version 1.0 has introduced some breaking changes. You can fix this yourself, the release notes will give you most clues - http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ReleaseNotes -

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply. I can (and have) updated v1.2 for IDE 1.0 compatibility to see what the library can do for me. My question was more that if this project is still live I'd like to use it, but if it's not I'll write something more specific to my particular project.

I think from what we've found so far though, it's probably not got a current home.

Thanks, Geoff