Stepper Motor Vibrating

Good news guys, I got it working!

I switched my wires from the Arduino until it was sending the proper order of phase.

I think the main problem was because I am using a stepper I got from a printer and it was hard to tell if I ad the proper leads.

I changed my pins from 0,1,5,6 to 5,6,7,8 because I noticed that if I unplugged 0 and 1 the signal from 5 6 were still making the motor move, but if I removed 5 and 6 the signal from 0 and 1 were not making the motor jerk at all, just a slight ticking.

Now it is wired:

Arduino 5 to H-bridge 2, A 6 to H-B 15,A 7 to H-B 7, and A 8 to H-B 10

and the sequence is

1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0

Thanks for your help! The info about A+ B+ A - B- especially helped me understand steppers, considering before I was guessing random sequences