Interest in overhauling the IDE user interface?

Just teasing, my friend. :wink:

(I have had some Pascalians scandalised by some of my coding habits over the years. You are obviously familiar with Pascal -- I thought perhaps you might be just a little bit miffed at my complete lack of respect for unnecessary braces!)

Yes I have done pascal; fortran; (visual) basic (for application); c ; c++; perl script ; bash ; shell; java; and others.
I have seen to much code (and have become to old) to get hung up on the formatting style. My advice: take the formatting style you like and let the formatter do the translation.
There is 1 exception to this rule though. That is when you start being a team member and having version control. But I won't go into that though.
Nor will I let myself be dragged in a naming convention war (which is way out f topic).

Best regards