Arduino Ethernet 2?

So, I wanted to buy a few Arduino Ethernets for a project (Rev 3), when I found out our normal supplier doesn't carry them anymore. Instead they wanted to push the "new" Arduino Ethernet 2. A board based on the Arduino Leonardo I guess. It has the Wizznet W5500 instead of the normal W5100, and the uP is replaced with a Atmell32U4, so I guess the IDE needs an overhaul.

Can't find anything here on the website under products, but did find it at the product page of .org...

I missed it completely, but will arduino(.cc) support and supply the new arduino ethernet 2? Will the IDE and product page be altered?

I missed it completely, but will arduino(.cc) support and supply the new arduino ethernet 2? Will the IDE and product page be altered? is NOT an official Arduino site. Don't count on their crap being supported here.

PaulS: is NOT an official Arduino site. Don't count on their crap being supported here.

The problem is how to say to suppliers not to sell that... this problem is really really big

PaulS: is NOT an official Arduino site. Don't count on their crap being supported here.

Isn't it so, that when .ORG stops producing them, .CC will run out of stock...?