Sending Data to a Mysql WebServeur using POST method

iDroid wrote:
$_POST is used to get values from a HTML form element with a name that corresponds to the value inside the square brackets.

This is partly true, in that what you say is a method often used, but it is not the definition of the POST method.

Using the POST method, you simply place the data, not on the url, but within the body of the http request, whether that be a html form, or for example, json encoded data from an external server/client system like an Arduino. And as such it is possible to send what ever data you have from the Arduino to a server using this method. Using the POST method also allows you to send more data than the GET method.

royalldonkey wrote:
I manage to send data using the GET method but it is not a safe way

How is using the GET method an issue with safety when using an Arduino?
I can understand the safety issues using the GET method from a html request from a browser on a computer, but I am not sure that you have this issue when sending data using the GET method from the Arduino?
How could the data be intercepted and viewed if it is sent from the Arduino?
If there is any chance of data snooping, the POST method I believe offers no extra protection, as the data is simply shifted to a different location in the http request.

Why do you have the following?


Do you know that the Arduino is setting up the IP configuration correctly using DHCP according to your program?
The Arduino will display this on the serial console at startup.

royalldonkey, have you had any success yet, let us know?
