Hi, I am trying to make a Steady hand loop wire game which involves two main schematics, timer and loop wire mechanism itself.

The timer is manually started by opening the switch SW10 (please refer to the attachment to this post underneath) and can be manually stopped by closing the SW10 and also can be reset back to the start until the SW10 is opened again to start the counting etc.

The loop wire schematic functions when the switch SW3 which is closed and opened as it represents the loop wire touching the bended wire. The buzzer sounds for a predetermined time and and LEDs stay lit until the RESET SW1 is pressed.

What I would like these circuits to do is that when I start the timer manually in the schematic 1 by opening the SW10, and when the SW3 is closed and opened in schematic 2, the timer stops automatically. So the timer is started manually but the timer stops as soon as the SW3 touch each other in schematic 2. Can anybody explain me in details on how I can combine these two circuits in this way and if any other components like a logic gate or any active device is needed. Also, I was thinking if I could attach a speaker to the timer so it beeps every second. How can I do that? Thanks and my apologies if any confusion is caused.

Documented Schematics.bmp (1.1 MB)

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