WT5001M02-28P another mp3/wav cheap sound module

Great! I read the manual and was not that clear how to connect it or program it. Do you have a new manual or just were lucky connecting it?

i just followed the data sheet

there is the WT5001M02-28P pin assignment scheme (page n. 10). On the board the first pin on the left is labeled "1" as you can see on the magnified picture.
The 5v input is the vdd50 pin 22.
From pag. 14 you can find the serial commands to use with arduino.

With all of these modules, the name doesn't matter. It is the actual order that they are found in the directory entry table. So, if you were to name your files 001.mp3, 004.mp3... and then copy 004.mp3 first, then 001.mp3, it would make 004.mp3 track number one and 001.mp3 track number 2.

So you can name the files however you want. But you must be careful what order they are in the directory entry.

To make things easy, just copy all your files over and use this program:

Anerty's Lair - DriveSort

to sort where the files are put in the directory entry. Pretty much all of these modules have this same issue because they use a very simple FAT access routine.

you are right. If i am going to make any change of the file order i will first copy the root of the microsd to the hard disk, and when finished i will copy again from the hard disk to the micrsod.