OutputPin allways HIGH

Thanks Tack I'm retyping the code.

int Pin40 = 40;

but the led wasn't collaborate :astonished: it's remain On during 3 secons without In signal on Pin52.

AWOL, I'm using a protoboard just to try. But now I'm wired directly on the Arduino. Just one more, if I let the Arduino on the table ( wood table ) and only the led wired on pin 40 ( well, a litle pin post insert on pin 7 )and put my finger on the pin poste, the led blink on and off during a little time, non repetitive blinking.

Perhaps a shield is needed?, and Why you recomended wired in?
I'm use the IOREF for Inputs

The Arduino be supplied with a standard 223vAC to 12vDC 1.5A (18w) conversor

Thanks in advance
