Driving A 10x10x10 RGB Cube

tlc.update() always returns immediately. It doesn't wait for the LEDs to update.

You need to look at the flag returned by tlc.update() and wait for it to return a 0m like this:

while (tlc.update()) {


Thanks, I'll give this a try! I am still having serious doubts now about these chips being fast enough to drive the cube. Is there any hardware limitation here? Do I need to use an arduino due to acheive the kind of perfomance required to multiplex 300 pins across all 10 layers quickly enough for persistence of vision? If so, will these chips work with 3.3V inputs and 5V outputs?

Another idea/question: are there any chips out there that would support sending out the data to 3 sets of these chips at once (one for red, one for green, one for blue)?