NTSC video out library

New release:
added PAL support (my tv detects the signal as 576i anyway).
start_render(_PAL); or start_render(_NTSC);

made a few necessary changes that will facilitate future sound support and or polling UART/SPI/ect.

added a delay_frame(#frames) function to regain some semi accurate delay. this will block the user code until the end of the visible screen so it can be used to wait for a frame render to occur.

added ability to pause the display rendering but keep outputting a sync signal(Hsync only) so user code can have full access to the cpu.

I also did some quick calculations and running as it(128H pixels by 96V double height pixels) is there is about 3.6MIPS left for user code.

updated NTSC demo (there is an included pal example too)

#include <TVout.h>

TVout TV;
char x,y;

void setup()  {

void loop() {
  for (char i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
    if (x >20) {
  TV.print_str(0,0,"fill screen pixel");
  TV.print_str(0,8,"by pixel");
  TV.print_str(0,0,"draw some lines");