Arduino Due With Atmel Studio 6.1 and ASF

The answer is...both. Using the Arduino 1.5.2 IDE results in the behavior I want, which is a blinking LED on my board.

I actually resolved my issue. It's a combination of following an outdated video from Atmel using a deprecated ASF API and my burning the wrong file onto the chip. I was using the gpio configure and set functions. They have actually been superceded by the IOPORT functions. Additionally, I was burning the hex instead of the bin file. Here's my code:

#include <asf.h>


int main (void)
	ioport_set_pin_dir(MY_LED, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT);	


		ioport_set_pin_level(MY_LED, true);
		ioport_set_pin_level(MY_LED, false);


This will cause the LED marked "L" on the Due to flash. It will also cause Pin 13 to go high for 2.5 seconds, then low, cyclically.

Additionally, here is the command to burn the bin file to your Arduino Due board:

@C:\arduino-1.5.2\hardware\tools\bossac.exe --port=COM5 -U false -e -w -v -b  $(TargetDir)\$(TargetName).bin -R

Replace COM5 with the COM port your Arduino Due is connected. Of course, also hold the Erase and Reset button then let go after one second if bossac complains it cannot find a device on the specified COM port. bossac should then be able to locate the device. Also, once the Due is programmed, you may have to press the Reset button on the board to start the program. On my board, I have had to do this even though I specified the "-R" parameter to bossac.exe