Realizing an SMPTE TimeCode reader/generator with arduino.


I'm curious if there's been some development with this topic? I'd like to create a timecode reader and generator using the Arduino Uno. Alas, in my initial tests, timing was an big problem. Is it because of the overhead of the C compiler? I've tried compiling using Arduino and Codebreaker compilers (but not Atmel Studio yet). But when testing micros() in a very simple program to check for timer overflow, not only is there a 4us resolution issue, but sometimes, the results between loops vary constantly from 4, 8, 12, and even 16 us. This is a big problem if you want to generate (or read) a byphase signal by software only.

I wonder if there isn't a better way to do things? Perhaps using interrupts for reading... but what about generating? Faster processor to compensate for the micros() 4us resolution maybe? 40MHz+? Code in assembler instead? An external circuit perhaps?

Anybody out there ever successfuly do a project to read and generate timecode? If so, what are your recommendations? And where you able to auto detect (or manually select) frame rates? (24, 25, 30, 50 and 60)

