SainSmart 20 x 4 LCD wanting to use I2C from Arduino Uno

Scope yes.....I did try the pullups with 5K's and it still didn't work....I just want the LCD to display something.....I don't want my code written for I not using the correct Libraries? I don't know....

simply..SDA and SDL are hooked up from arduino Uno to the I2C interface board behind the LCD...power and gnd are good...

is there any libraries I need beside LiquidCrystal_I2C and wire...


How do I know which address to use as well? I have seen a lot of 0x27 stuff

I was using the LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd( 0x27, 20, 4);

to initiate the LCD...i read how someone wrote you have to also code wire.begin but that just shows an error.

Damn it man