Please add "Projektvorstellungen" (my Project)

Please add "Mein Arduinoprojekt / Showroom" (my arduinoproject) as subarea in the German place of the Forum.

I think it is a good thing to see others Arduino-projects, present my own,
for fame :wink: and for disscussing it.

Now everything is mixed up, questions, pictures...

I think it would be a good change in the german area...

I would be very happy...

Greetings ChrisS

It would be a bit frustrating if English wasn't my own language. I don't know how feasible it is to add all those subforums to each language forum though..

The main Problem is,
that Germany was sliced into 2 Parts in History...
BRD German Republic, and DDR German Democratic Republic till 1989.

In school BRD had to lern german and englisch/french language, in DDR thy had to lern German and Russian, but not englisch nor french.

This people (nearly the half of german people) lerned english a little bit ... but after 1989 so they are not very comfortable with it... and often feel bad if they have to speak, or write english.

That there is ainternational german subcategory is a very good thing, and make it easy to post for such people related to DDR.

But there is a thing to optimize... every thing is mashed up there...
Questions about code are mixed with things have made with arduino, questions about hardware... and so on...

This is colorful :wink: but if you want something to know, search something it's a little bit messy and mixed.

The englisch part of the forum... the main thing, is proofing that this is the better way.

And I think so too.


i know some International Communities... that changed active boardusers to Area-Administrators/Moderators... the best of them if they want to...(active, most knowledge) are cleaning and administer/moderate the Subccategories of their language-buddies areas...
Sub-Bosses in some way...

I think it is easy to do that thing by a Member- Request (Public),

Do you want to be a Board-Administrator/Moderator of your Country?
Has the international Boards to be subdevided into more special subcategories?

  • YES
  • NO
  • I think it is unneccesarry to subdivide the international board
  • I think the subdivision of international Categories is neccessary

Ok, it doesn't have to be... but it is a better chance to improve postings, research, searching, overlook....

I don't know the Yabb Software... but i am Administrator of 2 Boards on phpBB. On phpBB subdividing is a thing of about 30minutes to devide all international Categories into about 5 Subcategories.

The main working task is to move the old posts into the right new subcategories.... but this could be easily done to open an "Old Posts Archive" ... and starting fresh with no posts on new subcategories.


I am not convinced its a good idea.
On the contrary, my opinion is to move as much as possible to the english section. My point:
Open source is sharing.
We all want to share, help and be helped, but german or italian becomes closed source to me.

Yes, english is another language to learn. So is C, VB... And all help and datasheets are in english.
The best training is trying to try to learn to read and write in english. Google translate helps too.
I dont want to close the internationals, its good to be able to ask for help when its necessary, arranging local meetings and so on.

But if there is going to be changes, why not make these parts as visible only for those who wants to join? Then its not in my top25 new hits to read, and the members can talk about anything the want?

mmh, your right in the way of open source...

but i never wanted passwords for German Area....
ever thought about it, before you posted?

You also could learn german language... its a language like english....
Yes, you don't want that, so you do too closed source...
Why you aren't able to lern german??? Ah,... i see....
english is the main language... sure.... but is this the way open source and your meaning of sharing??????

That's not ok.... you don't want to lern german because Datasheets are in english?

Ah, you think there are no german Datasheets?
Sure, there are German Datasheets.... so lern german language...

I described the Problem, you have to open your mind for this...

There are many people in germany... some bit older than me...
they NEEEEEEVER lerned english... but they have to...only for you... that you could understand them because you don't want to lern german.... thats your comfortrable way?

Thats Opensource for you?

You shoot yourself with your argumentation....

Sure... Opensource... english ist the "world"-language....

But why, it is neccessary NOT to clean up the German area...
germans post in the community... in german and english areas...
Yes, they do...

but i asked for subdivision ... for cleaning up...
and there is no argument against that....

  • i've never asked for only post things in german...

  • i've never asked, that you have to lern german...

You might want to kill the whole german area... everybody has to post in english... so YOU could read it easily...

Italians, Germans, French, Asian, Russian... they all have to lern english.... but you... you don't have to learn any other language....
thats the way of community, internationalism, opensource...

Thats the easy way for you to share ....

Thats the opposit of opensource... you have to open your mind for the spirit of opensource and an international community at all...

You are able to visit german areas too... ever done?
THAT is Community,... that is Opensource... that is sharing...

Post english in german area... you will see, somebody would answer in your language... HEYYYY * YES

We are Opensource, we are international...
WE DO THE ARDUINO THING!!!! but some of us aren't able to speak english... that problem is easy to understand....

But there is no point at all, that i have to discuss, post Images,
mash up all the thing... only because my mother-language is german...

Saying "Oh, germans are dividing from the community... because
some of them aren't able to speak my language... but they have to speak..." isn't openminded for internationalism.

Your country was not devided... and your language... you already have... its the easiest way to do.... but it's not openminded. Its not Opensource and its not Communityfriendly...

That is real dividing... Nations,Languages... but subdividing of already existing international Subareas for better developement isn't.

Arduino is international... International growing...
i think you have to realize that the world has some more countries than yours...


I dont asked for eraesing the English area... i only asked for subdivide the german area for better reading....

I dont asked that you have to lern german... you could... if you want to, but you have not to, also if you want to be a Arduino Communitymember...

Don't get me wrong.... i don't want to make you angry...
my english words are limited... so please don't be angry...

I wanted to show you, that every argumentation of international belongings is one sided... because you don't want to lern german,
but the world have to lern english...

mmh, your right ... english is more populated... shareing is easier...

  • but that has nothing to do with subdividing german area in a better way....

Greetings ChrisS

Hi ChrisS,
nice to meet you!
Sorry to upset you, and maybe my post was somewhat off topic.
Im a swede, age 49. Struggeling with the english writing too.

You might want to kill the whole german area... everybody has to post in english... so you could read it easily...

Italians, Germans, French, Asian, Russian... they all have to lern english.... but you... you don't have to learn any other language....

Not so fair?
But I respect your thread and leaves it with no further posts.

Hey, nice to meet you in German Area...!!!!! :slight_smile:

I understand your point of view... don't be angry...

have a look there in posts... difficult to find anything...

it proofs itself... i don't want to say more....

Have a great Time here in the Board... and Arduino-Community!!!
.. esspacially the german one... :wink:

Greetings from Germany.... have a nice day....

PS: Gratulations to your new MemberStatus!!!!!!