EasyTransferI2C with 3 Arduinos - trouble w/ Master Tx & Rx

Hi Pylon, thanks for your reply.

Have you understood the I2C paradigm of master and slave? Your master is still configured as a slave (Wire.begin() call with an address parameter), this way you cannot send commands to the slaves.

Hmm.. I guess not! I thought that each I2C "node" had to have an address, in order for messages to be routed to the correct node.. thus I thought each had to be identified w/ a #define.

Looking at the Tx and Rx examples from the EasyTransferI2C library, they send from the Master to the Slave, which I will want sometimes, but I also am wanting the reverse... in order to get information from the slave. How will I identify the Master, when receiving data from the slave?

What is also confusing me, with regard to EasyTransfer vs standard I2C, is the "number of bytes" when doing a request. How do I make a request to the slave, in the EasyTransfer data structure paradigm?

Many thanks for helping me to understand this. You've been very helpful. :smiley: