Sending a text message from processing to arduino


I'm French, so I apologize if I don't express myself correctly.
My problem is that I can't see if Arduino receive the messages I'm sending with processing :
I want Arduino to read the letters I'm sending from processing but I don't know how
Here are my programs

Arduino code

int incomingbyte = 0;

void setup() {
	Serial.begin(9600);	// ouvre le port série et fixe le debit de communication à 9600 bauds

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) { // si des données entrantes sont présentes, on lit le 1er octet
      incomingbyte =;
      Serial.print (incomingbyte);
  else  {
       Serial.print("Aucune donnée recue");


That Processing code is a mess. There are useless { and } throughout the code. There is code that is commented out. That code clearly has nothing to do with your problem, so why did you post it? Delete it!

Use Sketch + Auto Format to properly indent the code, and put every (necessary) { on a new line.

The Arduino is responding to serial data from Processing, but Processing ignores any serial data coming in. Why?

What do you mean ? I can check if my data's are sent with Processing or Arduino ?

How do you determine if someone has replied to your post? You read the forum, and see that there is a reply. Well, you are the Processing application, sending a text message to the forum.

I'm the Arduino application, reading your post, and sending a reply.

You, the Processing application, can read what I sent, or not. It's up to you. But, if you want to know what I sent, you really need to read it.

I understand what you mean, I thought I could see it with the serial monitor but I will try to check with processing, thank you.

EDIT : How can i read the data's which are sent to Arduino with Processing ? is there a function for Processing like ?

I understand what you mean, I thought I could see it with the serial monitor but I will try to check with processing, thank you.

EDIT : How can i read the data's which are sent to Arduino with Processing ? is there a function for Processing like ?

It is done with a library in Processing:

The commands are remarkably similar to those on the Arduino.

Mrs Z