ttymidi - software for MIDI-through-USB for Linux

Here is a posting of more unfinished but working code of a Danger Shield midi control surface for Linux that I'm making using ttymidi. Was changing pitch & other effect values in TerminatorX I was also scratching loops with the sliders... Feedback would be great.. :smiley:

// Danger Board v1.0 ttymidi MIDI-through-USB for 
// linux using the Danger Shield v1.0
// By: Brian Lightfoot (
// More info: 

//our setup stuff
#include "_init.h"
//ttymidi include
#include <ardumidi.h>

void setup()
// setup our varables here 
int modecount = 0;
int note_on = 0;
int seg = 255;
int slider1_value = 0;
byte slider2_value = 0;
byte slider3_value = 0;
boolean button1_state = false;
boolean button2_state = false;
boolean button3_state = false;
boolean last_button1_state = false;
boolean last_button2_state = false;
boolean last_button3_state = false;

void loop()
  //in this while loop we have instrument mode
  while(modecount == 0) 
  // Show mode on 7-segment
  // change this to usefull output in the future int seg above is value 
  digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, 0);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, 1);
  //read all our slider values & button states.
  slider1_value = analogRead(SLIDER1_PIN) * 17;
  slider2_value = analogRead(SLIDER2_PIN) / 8;
  slider3_value = analogRead(SLIDER3_PIN) / 8;
  button1_state = digitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN);
  button2_state = digitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN);
  button3_state = digitalRead(BUTTON3_PIN);

  //Play note if button is pressed slider3 is value of note slider to is velocity of note 
  if (button1_state && !last_button1_state)
    midi_note_on(0, slider3_value, slider2_value);
    note_on = 1;
  // turn of note if slider3 was moved must hold button down and sweep slider3 back across 
  // to turn note off 
  if (button2_state && !last_button2_state) 
    // turn off notes when slider pot is in same position or when sweeped back 
    //across value need to change this.... to somthing more functional   
    midi_note_off(0, slider3_value, slider2_value);
    note_on = 0;
  //Change the mode if button 3 pressed break the while loop 
  if (button3_state && !last_button3_state)

  //write values directly to our leds for led brightness.
  analogWrite(SLIDER1_LED_PIN, slider1_value);
  analogWrite(SLIDER2_LED_PIN, slider2_value);
  analogWrite(SLIDER3_LED_PIN, slider3_value);
  // this while loop is controller mode 
  while(modecount == 1) {
  //read all our slider values & button states.
  slider1_value = analogRead(SLIDER1_PIN) * 17;
  slider2_value = analogRead(SLIDER2_PIN) / 8;
  slider3_value = analogRead(SLIDER3_PIN) / 8;
  button1_state = digitalRead(BUTTON1_PIN);
  button2_state = digitalRead(BUTTON2_PIN);
  button3_state = digitalRead(BUTTON3_PIN);
  seg = 254;
  digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, 0);
  shiftOut(DATA_PIN, CLOCK_PIN, LSBFIRST, slider3_value);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_PIN, 1);
  if (button1_state && !last_button1_state)
  //slider 3 controls the byte for what controller is used this is going to change to a button press in the near future just testing code here :D
  //slider 2 controls the value of the control used 
    midi_controller_change(0, slider3_value, slider2_value);
    note_on = 1;
  //Change the mode if button 3 pressed break the while loop 
  if (button3_state && !last_button3_state)
  analogWrite(SLIDER1_LED_PIN, slider1_value);
  analogWrite(SLIDER2_LED_PIN, slider2_value);
  analogWrite(SLIDER3_LED_PIN, slider3_value);
