Suggestion for LiquidCrystal library


when I connected a 16x4 LCD display, I noticed that the position of the cursor with setCursor is not correct on line 2 and 3. When I call setCursor(0, 2), the position is at column 4, not 0.

. . .

I would suggest to change the official code, so it will work without changing the library for 2x16, 4x16 (tested by me), and all other previous displays with 20 colums. All you have to do is to pass the correct number of colums to lcd.begin, e.g. lcd.begin(16, 2) in my case.

Best regards, Kosmas

Don't hold your breath waiting for this to be fixed. Check out the date on this thread: --> LCD 16x4 setCursor is not working right - Interfacing - Arduino Forum

For an explanation of the reasons for the problem follow the LCD Addressing link at The 16x4 information is all the way at the end.
