LumiNet (based on attiny84)

thanks for the quick follow ups!

  1. Well I guess I wasn't completely clear. I do understand most of the instructions and could probably edit the IDE on my own with a little trial and error and research (I've never had to recompile the Arduino IDE before but I assume this wouldn't be any more different than any other programming project I have worked on). However, most of what I do with the Arduino is teaching and kit development, and I'd want something I can give my students that they can then find later without much effort. I think learning how to recompile the IDE is out of the scope of what I am trying to do with them (mostly high school kids). Having the LumiNet patches merge the LumiNet and Arduino branches together is exactly what I need. I'll probably wait till this happens before I start actively working with this.

  2. I am glad most of the libraries will be supported. I was aware there would be restrictions, but I am glad they aren't as drastic as I thought they would be.

  3. What is programming by infection? Also how can the LumiNet be bootloaded by bit-banging without a UART?

And a few more questions

  1. Is the power saving drastically better than the Atmega? I seem to be losing power way too quickly for battery powered applications on my Atmega based solutions even on sleep mode.

  2. I don't see I2C capabilites on teh Attiny85 data sheets. is it possible to work with I2C and OneWire?