Dual H bridge L298N

From the manual you posted....

This motor is a bipolar-hybrid and must be driven by a chopper drive controller such as the 1063 - PhidgetStepper
Bipolar 1-Motor

Now, I have no clue what that means, but is the 298 a chopper drive controller?

It also says in the manual:

The acceleration of a stepper motor is an important consideration when driving a load. Setting the acceleration too
high can result in the motor stalling, especially with a heavy load.

So that might be why it's not moving?

What I've found out, is that an chopper driver slowly turns on the current, so the motor gets and slowly "on". I talked to my teacher about it, and he says it's not that important.
The motor by the way, haven't any load on yet.


// set the speed at 60 rpm:

This is way too fast.
Try dropping it to 1 RMP.

I tried to change it to 1 RPM, but nothing happens yet? Anyway, on the datasheet, there is written

Max Motor Speed (with 1063 controller) 614RPM

, so I would not say that 60 RPM isn't to high.