Simple video interference problem. I'll pay to have it resolved.

  1. What is the critical spec on DC Choke Filters in my situation? Is the amperage what's important here? Does 50mA vs. 2A matter?

Max current has to be more than max current your load.

  1. What allows it to sustain the current longer? a bigger Henry rating?

Henry rating makes a current to change slower, slow enough to power supply track and adjust. t = R x L, where L is in Henry.

  1. is it going to be wired as shown in the image below by the green dots or red dots?

Red, in series.

  1. I CAN put an inductor in series with the camera. Should I do that instead of a choke filter? If so, what would the specs need to be of the inductor? isn't a choke and and inductor the same thing?

Inductor and choke is the same in this context.