newhaven COG character display. 2x16. I am using the doglcd libraries. print command is supposed to accept a variety of character inputs. strings, char*, etc. without sepecification. I am simply feeding it this:

lcd.print("hello world!");

and it is not dealing with it properly.

I do not know what you mean by "how is it connected". would you like a diagram? It is mounted on a custom pcb which essentially acts like a 3.3v arduino mini with atmega168. it uses pins: (8, 7, 5, 6, A3, A4) as I recall. initializes properly with those pins. If you are wondering if it's a connection issue, it is rather unlikely. possible that I crossed a wire on the board, but the population is professionally done by a lady that does custom boards for the military. Most likely the problem lies elsewhere. I can post schematic and brd layout if anyone is interested in looking at them.
