How do you define 'hacker'?


haha.. i like the story of mel. ... and here I am, proud to even understand what its about ... I sometimes wonder what happens when the generations of programmers which is actually able to do this low level stuff dies out.

i mean seriously? does anyone still programme in machine code? how many percent of people who come to the arduino forum even know what machine code is?

I still programme in machine code, mainly 6502, but occasionally 80xxx, you can STILL get DEBUG to run on an XP system.
I will admit I usually only programme machine code under DR-DOS, mostly on the 386 and 486 systems I have.
All the BIOS calls listed in the manuals you got "back in the day" with a genuine PC, XT or AT will still work.

In case you are wondering what 6502 machine I use, it's the original Synertek SYM-1 I bought back when I was 14!
34 years old and still going strong, optioned out like "all get out"
My other 6502 systems is are Apple II's, again optioned out to the max.

Sometimes it's good to not have an OS getting in the way.

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...especially that last one! :slight_smile: