Arduino Uno ds18b20 and sure 2416 dor matrix display

many thanks for you help

here what I write

//int temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
float temp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);

char buffer[10];
// itoa(temp,buffer,10);
dtostrf(temp, 8, 3, buffer);
ht1632_putchar(6 , 8, buffer[0]);
ht1632_putchar(12 , 8, buffer[1]);
ht1632_putchar(18 , 8, buffer[2]);
ht1632_putchar(24 , 8, buffer[3]);
ht1632_puttinychar(32 , 8, 'o');
ht1632_putchar(35 , 8, 'C');

in this way change only where the temp is writed on display

ie 22 degree is written in decimal position _ _ , 22 °C

but without comma

where is the error ? I feel to be near to solution

Many thanks