egg drop device

So while I'm waiting for my accelerometer. I was also wondering how can I put this data into a graph. The information is going to be fast so a graph would be great. Am I able to do that with windows?

I think i got most of it ready. Got an Egg (plastic) but a protoboard to fit in. Got an arduino mini, 9v battery and rf transmitter inside. Just need to learn how to send sensor data out from the rf to another arduino which is connected to a computer to graph the data.

I have a raspberry pi, perhaps connecting the receiver to that will be easier to graph (however I only know a bit of code to recieve via arduino). Is it possible to output sensor data to a graph in windows from an arduino (or a linux [aka raspberry pi])

Yay figured out how to make my raspberry pi show some data (kind of). Just linking an uno to the pi and using a serial monitor. so not really much...