SoftwareSerial with ATTiny84 using ATtiny library

Hello Coding Badly,

I tried the KnockBang protocol, but I got the error message from the compiler :
warning: TinyDebugKnockBang.h: No such file or directory

I had copied before both files to the "library" folder.
Also copying them to the "hardware/cores/tiny" folder did not help.

Regards, Rudolf

Hello rudolf48,

I tried the KnockBang protocol, but I got the error message from the compiler :
warning: TinyDebugKnockBang.h: No such file or directory

You put the files in the wrong location.

Also copying them to the "hardware/cores/tiny" folder did not help.

Don't put them there.

I had copied before both files to the "library" folder.

"library" or "libraries"? Under a folder named "TinyDebugKnockBang"?

The correct location is...

{Arduino Sketch Root}\libraries\TinyDebugKnockBang\

Hello Coding Badly,

Thank you for the hint with the library path. That was my fault.
Because I forget so quickly, I documented that KnockBang setup in my wiki.

Please take a time to read the details, if I have all necessary documented.

Regards, Rudolf

Hello rudolf48,


The application program must have the following statements for debug output, for example:

# declaration

#include <TinyDebugSerial.h>
TinyDebugSerial mySerial = TinyDebugSerial(); // PB1 = TX pin

in function setup()

mySerial.begin( 9600 );    // for tiny_debug_serial

in function loop()

mySerial.println( "Testing...");  // debug output not necessary. The Tiny Core already includes an instance of TinyDebugSerial named Serial. This should work...

# in function setup()
  Serial.begin( 9600 );    // for tiny_debug_serial 

# in function loop()
  Serial.println( "Testing...");  // debug output

I think the Knock-Bang example can be reduced to this...

#define KNOCK_BANG 1
#include <TinyDebugKnockBang.h>

#define Serial Debug

..then you just use Serial...

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {                
  // initialize the digital pin as an output.
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);  
  Serial.begin( 9600 );

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);               // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  Serial.println( "Testing...");  // debug output

Hello Coding Badly,

Thank you very much for improving my example C-code. Probably I will never reach this level :frowning:

I am answering so late, because I struggled a day finding a loose contact on my breadboard :frowning:

But now I have a compact and clever debugging tool for the ATtiny's.

Best regards, Rudolf

Very nice. Thank you for the follow-up.

Nice write-up rudolf.

My thoughts about Serial Relay and Knockbang.

I think the buty about Serial Relay is that you have two way communication. This makes the tiny environment look and feel almost like an Arduino.

If you want to utilize this feature you have to use SoftwareSerial, atleast that is my understanding.
On the other hand I can see the advantage of using the TinyDebugSerial: You can take a Arduino sketch an compile it for a tiny without midifying the Serial.print() statements.

Just a follow up on a previous post:

I have tried using KnockBang on a Attiny13, with no luck

I get this error:

In file included from tiny_knockbang.cpp:1:
D:\arduino-1.01\arduino-1.0.1-windows (1)\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\TinyDebugKnockBang/TinyDebugKnockBang.h:55: error: 'fstr_t' does not name a type

Delete that line (#55) from TinyDebugKnockBang.h ...

After deleting line 55, I get this error:

D:\arduino-1.01\arduino-1.0.1-windows (1)\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\TinyDebugKnockBang/TinyDebugKnockBang.h:152: error: expected ',' or '...' before '*' token

Which core are you using?

I am using smeezekitty's core:,89781.0.html

The core is missing this...

class __FlashStringHelper;
#define F(string_literal) (reinterpret_cast<const __FlashStringHelper *>(PSTR(string_literal)))

I suggest adding it to WProgram.h.

You may have to also add this to the top...

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>


I added these to the WProgram.h, which gave another error:

D:\arduino-1.01\arduino-1.0.1-windows (1)\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\TinyDebugKnockBang/TinyDebugKnockBang.h:156: error: 'DEC' was not declared in this scope

So I added #include "print.h" in the WProgram.h , and now it compiles and uploads.

When I open the serial monitor (19200 baud) and type a ! I get this error:

--- Knock-Bang fault: 15 ---

I was thinking it maybe had something to do with the clock speed which was 128kHz, so I tried at 9,6 mHz and got this error:

--- Knock-Bang fault: 11 ---
i get the correct respons from the serial monitor, when I use @,# and !

So I added #include "print.h" in the WProgram.h , and now it compiles and uploads.


I was thinking it maybe had something to do with the clock speed which was 128kHz,

The minimum supported clock speed is 1 MHz. If I can remember, I'll put a check in the header file.

so I tried at 9,6 mHz and got this error:

--- Knock-Bang fault: 11 ---
i get the correct respons from the serial monitor, when I use @,# and !

fault_timeout_knock ... In the interrupt service routine, a knock was not detected within the time limit.

Other then a wire, is anything connected to MISO?

Try adding a 10K or 4.7K or 1K pullup resistor to MISO. And/or, if the wire on MISO connecting the programmer to the target is longish, try a shorter and/or fatter wire.

Bad news:

I have killed my poor little Attiny13, I think it was during fiddling with the fuses. It is totally unresponsive, I tried my USBasp and Pololu programmer but no luck.
I will report back as soon as my new chips arrive, oh so close ...

There has not been anything connected to MISO during this testing. I will try your tip with pullups.

Thank you for your help so far

Don't give up yet! Two things I've discovered about the t13...

After changing the clock choice (fuses), mine sometimes becomes unresponsive until I toggle power. Try toggling the target's power.

There is a minimum pulse time for RESET. All the processors I've used don't seem to care if the minimum is or is not met. Except the t13. If the pulse is too short, it will reset but refuse to enter programming mode. If you've changed the clock to 128 KHz, the minimum pulse maybe longer than the pulse provided by USBasp or Pololu. I know the minimum pulse is longer than the one provided by ArduinoISP. I just change TinyISP to provide the correct reset pulse for the t13 @ 128 KHz.

Bear in mind I also changed how build options are specified. If you decide to try TinyISP and need help getting it working the way it was just let me know.

--- Knock-Bang fault: 11 ---

You are running TinyISP on what board?

Success... ! (almost)

I got a new attiny13 today and tried it with the factory settings, and a very short connection to MISO, and here is the result:

t13 test..
t13 test..
t13 test..
t13 test..
--- Knock-Bang fault: 4 ---
t13 test..
t13 test..
t13 test..
t13 test..
--- Knock-Bang fault: 13 ---
t13 test..
t13 test..

I will try with another cpu-speed setting to see if I can reduce the errors.
Also I will try your updated TinyISP

--- Knock-Bang fault: 11 ---

You are running TinyISP on what board?

I am using Arduino Uno (I think it is R2)

And another success, I was able to get my dead tiny back to live by using this HV-programmer

It seems OK now, atleast it passed the blink test


At 4,8 mHz it is a total succes, no errors at all.