Temperature Data using DS18B20 sensor

Hi guys. I am trying to adjust an arduino code that reads temperature data from a DS18B20 sensor and a code that can store things to a phpMyadmin database and i am a little confused. I hope i ask in the right part of the forum

Arduino Code that measures Temperature

#include <SPI.h>

#include <Ethernet.h>           //library for ethernet functions
#include <HTTPClient.h>             //library for client functions
[u]#include <DallasTemperature.h>[/u]  //library for temperature sensors

[u]#include <OneWire.h>[/u]          //library for the onewire bus

[u]#define ONE_WIRE_BUS     2[/u]    //the onewire bus is connected to pin 2 on arduino
[u]#define TEMPERATURE_PRECISION  10[/u] //resolution of the sensors is set to 10bit

// Ethernet settings
uint8_t hwaddr[6] = {
  xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx}; 
uint8_t ipaddr[4] = {
  xxx, xxx, x, xx };                    
uint8_t gwaddr[4] = {
  xxx, xxx, x, xx};                    
uint8_t subnet[4] = {
  xxx, xxx, x, xx};                   
uint8_t serverip[4] = {
  xxx, xxx, x, xx};                   

uint8_t serverport = 80;                                 

EthernetClient client;                      

[u]OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);      [/u]                      
[u]DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);   [/u]               

int numSensors;                                          

bool connected = false;                                   
int i = 0;                                                

void setup(void)                                          

  Serial.println("I2C-to-Ethernet Bridge.");
  Serial.println("Initializing Ethernet.");

  Ethernet. begin(hwaddr, ipaddr);                          
  [u]sensors.begin(); [/u]                                      

  Serial.println("Enumerating and scanning for I2C sensors.");

  [u]numSensors = sensors.getDeviceCount(); [/u]                
  // "sensors.getDeviceCount" is a function in the library

  if(numSensors > 0)                                        
    Serial.print("Enumerated ");                              
    Serial.println( " sensors.");

    Serial.println("No sensors enumerated.");                 


void loop(void)                                           
  if(!connected)   {                                        
    //Serial.println("Not connected");

    if (client.connect(serverip,80)){                                    
      connected = true;
      [u]sensors.requestTemperatures(); [/u]                          
      [u]float temp1 = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); [/u]               
      Serial.print("Temp is ");                                 
      Serial.println("Sending to Server: ");                    
      client.print("GET /test_database.php?t");     // the database based on your post about php before         
    [u] client.println(temp1);[/u]
      client.println(" HTTP/1.0");                 
      Serial.println(" HTTP/1.0");                 
      //client.println("Host: 192.168.x.x");    
      //Serial.println("Host: 192.168.x.x");    
      Serial.println("Cannot connect to Server");               

  else {

    while (client.connected() && client.available()) {        
      char c = client.read();                                   
    connected = false;                                        


Arduino Code that sends data to Database

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>

byte mac[] = {  xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx };
IPAddress ip(x,x,x,x);
IPAddress gateway(x,x,x,x);
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);

IPAddress server(1,2,3,4); // Change to your server ip

EthernetClient client;
int totalCount = 0;
int loopCount = 0;

void setup() {


  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip, gateway, gateway, subnet);

char pageAdd[32];
void loop()
  if(loopCount < 30)
    loopCount = 0;
    if(!getPage(server,pageAdd)) Serial.print("Fail ");
    else Serial.print("Pass ");


byte getPage(IPAddress ipBuf,char *page)
  int inChar;
  char outBuf[128];



    sprintf(outBuf,"GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",page);
    return 0;

  int connectLoop = 0;
      inChar = client.read();
      connectLoop = 0;

    if(connectLoop > 1000)



  return 1;

My point is to combine somehow these 2 codes in order to send my data to a database. Thank you very much