Power Issues creating sensor read issues

Hello! This is Tom Bonar from MaxBotix Inc.

The current draw of our sensors is not enough to damage a component such as the yellowjacket. Our LV-MaxSonar-EZ have a max current draw of ~7.5mA and an average current draw of ~2.1 during operation. The max current draw occurs during the transmit burst of the transducer. Such low current draws are not capable of damaging the component being used to read or control the sensor.

Our MB1010 sensor referenced in your post will operate at 2.5V DC to 5.5VDC.

Have you been able to correct the issue? Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing thomas@maxbotix.com and I will be glad to assist you.

Best regards,

Tom Bonar
Technical Support
of MaxBotix Inc.
Phone: (218) 454-0766
Fax: (218) 454-0768
Email: thomas@maxbotix.com
Web: www.maxbotix.com
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