XBEE Communication

How would I configure the XBee without the X-CTU since Im running mac?

The first thing is to get some kind of serial connection to the xbee from your computer. One way of doing this is to remove the AT-MEGA chip from your arduino board and use it as a USB-to-serial device to talk to the xbee (in this case you would connect the xbee to pins 0 and 1 on the arduino board.) There are several pages on the web saying how to do this.

The way I did it was to modify the xbee library to use NewSoftSerial instead of the standard hardware serial to talk to the xbee. This lets you talk to the xbee on a different pair of pins at the same time as using the arduino's usb port. You can have my code if you like but it's still beng tested so I can't guarantee its reliability.

Once you have a serial connection,it's fairly easy:

  • open the arduino's serial console or a similar console program.
  • set up the serial line to the xbee to use the same baud rate as the xbee (9600 by default)
  • start by turning off line endings, then type '+++' (and press enter)
  • wait for 'OK' to come back.
  • within 10 seconds, turn on line endings, and start typing AT commands. e.g. ATSH and ATSL to get the module's serial number. See the xbee manual for details of the commands.
  • when you've finished the config, use the commands ATWR and ATFR to write the new config to non-volatile memory and reboot the xbee.