gps coordinates not updated (mega itead V1)

indeed it is pin 0 and 1 and not 0 and 2. I fixed that.
The gps sends information exactly like the post I referred to. I copy that one here as I prefer not to share my gps location with "the big bad internet"

$GPRMC,150111.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D6B
$GPRMC,150112.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D
$GPRMC,150113.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D69
$GPRMC,150114.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D
$GPRMC,150115.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D6F
$GPRMC,150116.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D
$GPRMC,150118.000,A, 4551.8988 ,N, 01211.8911 ,E,0.00,263.77,110612,,,D*62

For me also the time and the checksum change but the location remains the same -even going 100 meters away does not change the position-.
I stopped looking for the root cause and I ordered new gps breakout boards.
I'm still interested in a workaround and/or people having the same experience.
This is the cpp code of the basic gps class

#include "gps_Library.h"

GPSModule::GPSModule(long gpsRate, SERIALTYPE *serial)
		: m_LastMessageTimeStamp(0)

	m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude = 0;
	m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude = 0;
	m_LastMessageDirection = 0;
	m_LastMessageSpeed = 0;
	bufferidx = 0;
	buffer[0] = 0;

	LastFixMessage = 0;
	m_LastMessageIsfix = false;
	m_gpsSerial = serial;
	m_gpsRate = gpsRate;

void GPSModule::setup()

// read a Hex value and return the decimal equivalent
uint8_t parseHex(char c)
	if (c < '0') return 0;
	if (c <= '9') return c - '0';
	if (c < 'A') return 0;
	if (c <= 'F') return (c - 'A') + 10;
	return 0;

void GPSModule::loop()
	char ReceivedChar;
	uint8_t sum;
	int InBuffer;

	while ((InBuffer = (*m_gpsSerial).available()) > 0)
		ReceivedChar = (*m_gpsSerial).read();
		if (ReceivedChar=='\r') ReceivedChar=' ';
		buffer[bufferidx++] = ReceivedChar;
		buffer[bufferidx] = 0; //terminate with 0
		if ((ReceivedChar == '

Best regards
Jantje) & (bufferidx != 1))
SHOW_DEBUG_INFO_STRING_LN(DEBUGLEVEL_GPS_TRACE, "ERROR: start of new line received in message");
bufferidx = 0;
buffer[bufferidx++] = ReceivedChar;
buffer[bufferidx] = 0; //terminate with 0

	if (ReceivedChar == '\n') // the message is complete
		buffer[bufferidx - 1] = 0;
		if (buffer[bufferidx - 5] != '*')
			// no checksum?
			SHOW_DEBUG_INFO_STRING_LN(DEBUGLEVEL_GPS_TRACE, "ERROR: there is no checksum in the message");
			bufferidx = 0;
		// get received checksum
		sum = parseHex(buffer[bufferidx - 4]) * 16;
		sum += parseHex(buffer[bufferidx - 3]);

		// check checksum
		for (int i = 1; i < (bufferidx - 5); i++)
			sum ^= buffer[i];
		if (sum != 0)
			SHOW_DEBUG_INFO_STRING_LN(DEBUGLEVEL_GPS_TRACE, "ERROR: received checksum is wrong");
			bufferidx = 0;
		// got good data!

		if (strstr(buffer, "GPRMC"))
			if (m_LastMessageIsfix)
				LastFixMessage = millis();
		bufferidx = 0;

	if (bufferidx == BUFFSIZE - 1)
		SHOW_DEBUG_INFO_STRING_LN(DEBUGLEVEL_GPS_TRACE, "ERROR: received message that is longer than the buffer");
		bufferidx = 0;



GPSDIRECTION GPSModule::getLastMessageDirection() const
return m_LastMessageDirection;

GPSLocation GPSModule::getLastMessageLocation() const
return m_LastMessageLocation;

GPSSPEED GPSModule::getLastMessageSpeed() const
return m_LastMessageSpeed;

DateTime GPSModule::getLastMessageTimeStamp() const

return m_LastMessageTimeStamp;


boolean GPSModule::hasReception() const
unsigned long Curtime = millis();
return (((LastFixMessage + 5000) > Curtime) && ((m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude + m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude) != 0));

void GPSModule::parseGPRCMessage()
m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude = 0;
m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude = 0;
m_LastMessageSpeed = 0;
m_LastMessageDirection = 0;

//extract the time
const char *p = buffer;
p = strchr(p, ',') + 1;
uint8_t hour = (p[0] - '0') * 10 + (p[1] - '0');
p += 2;
uint8_t minutes = (p[0] - '0') * 10 + (p[1] - '0');
p += 2;
uint8_t seconds = (p[0] - '0') * 10 + (p[1] - '0');
// find out if we got a fix
p = strchr(p, ',') + 1;
if (p[0] != 'A')
	m_LastMessageIsfix = false;
	//DateTime dt(0, 0, 0, hour, minutes, seconds);
	m_LastMessageIsfix = true;
	//extract the latitude
	p = strchr(p, ',') + 1;
	m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude = (p[0] - '0') * 10 + (p[1] - '0');
	p += 2;

	while (p[0] != ',')
		if (p[0] != '.') m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude = m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude * 10 + (p[0] - '0');
	if (p[0] == 'S') m_LastMessageLocation.myLatitude *= -1;
	//extract the longitude
	p += 2;
	m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude = (p[0] - '0') * 100 + (p[1] - '0') * 10 + (p[2] - '0');
	p += 3;
	while (p[0] != ',')
		if (p[0] != '.') m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude = m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude * 10 + (p[0] - '0');
	p += 2;
	if (p[0] == 'W') m_LastMessageLocation.myLongitude *= -1;
	p += 1;
	//extract speed
	int Power = 1000;
	int Count = 1;
	while (p[0] != ',')
		if (p[0] != '.')
			m_LastMessageSpeed = m_LastMessageSpeed * 10 + (p[0] - '0');
			Power /= (Count);
		} else
			Count = 10;
	//The speed is in knots (1.852 km per hour = 1852 m per hour) so calculate to m/hour
	m_LastMessageSpeed = m_LastMessageSpeed * 1852 * Power;
	p += 1;
	Power = 1000;
	Count = 1;
	while (p[0] != ',')
		if (p[0] != '.')
			m_LastMessageDirection = m_LastMessageDirection * 10 + (p[0] - '0');
			Power /= Count;
		} else
			Count = 10;
	m_LastMessageDirection = m_LastMessageDirection * Power;
	p += 1;
	uint8_t m_day = (p[0] - '0') * 10 + (p[1] - '0');
	uint8_t m_month = (p[2] - '0') * 10 + (p[3] - '0');
	uint8_t m_year = (p[4] - '0') * 10 + (p[5] - '0');
	DateTime dt(m_year, m_month, m_day, hour, minutes, seconds);
	m_LastMessageTimeStamp = dt;


Best regards